Naturally, I picked something associated with coffee. There are 18 loose K-cups laying on my kitchen counter right now. Seems as though I have either used or pitched out every coffee box I thought I had...I have recently been purging and re-organizing my art space and it's not like I won't get more. <grin>
In my honest opinion, I think that mixed media artists are some of the best people at reusing, recycling, upcycling and turning trash into treasure. I took this opportunity to do some of the same for this prompt, using some of the mountains of great stuff I have saved and have been sent by my generous art friends. I started with the Eight O'Clock Coffee box of k-cups and began mulling over what I wanted to do while cutting the box apart. I then cut up a really nice cardboard envelope that I received in the mail containing some stencils I ordered, prepped the backside with gesso and paint, rolled on with my soft foam brayer, using 3 colors of craft acrylic: Violet Pansy, Lavender and Diva Pink. The gesso left bits of white showing through and I loved it! It was messy, but in an orderly sort of way. I cut it to 9x"x12" to fit into my Artful Journeys mixed media journal.

I decided the coffee box was too garish, so I applied some gesso with my hands and zapped it dry with the heat gun. I am impatient, too! When dry, I then outlined some of the letters with my Signo Uniball pen. Loved how the white gesso changed the whole look of that piece of box.

So I got all my bits and pieces glued down and zapped again with the heat gun...the impatience thing again!
I pulled out my Caran D'Ache NeoColor II water soluble crayons and used the turquoise, blue and back to add highlights to some of the bits and just smudged them with my fingers and some more outlining and doodly bits with the Signo Uniball pen.
One last bit of fiddling and I pronounced it finished. This was a lot of fun, and for me, this was a good challenge, making art that was a little less orderly and "neat" and a whole lot of "just adding more. I hope you like what I created!
Wishing each of you a wonderful week. We know many are already beginning their Thanksgiving holiday preparations ... big cooking takes time! But as always, make some time in each day to keep it artful!
Hugs and great art,
Betty this is a wonderful piece!